Author: admin

  • Difference between Security and Protection.

    Security and protection are two firmly related ideas that have an awesome centrality in everybody’s life. These are times when nobody feels sheltered as episodes of plunder and thievery are exceptionally normal. One buckles down and manufactures a home for his family for their solace and well being. Be that as it may, he is not fulfilled until the point when he utilizes home security framework for the well being and assurance of his important resources and his relatives. You more likely than not seen the substantial security that is sent for the well being of VIPs’ and how they move in the front of a procession involving commandos. Security is for assurance and one feels sure when he has sufficiently orchestrated safety efforts. What at that point are the contrasts among security and insurance? Give us a chance to investigate.

    Security is assurance against outside dangers that might be genuine or seen. It is regular to see workplaces and other administrative structures to have trick verification safety efforts to counter the risk of psychological oppression nowadays. Security is a sort of assurance that guarantees well being of important resources. X-beam machines and metal identifiers are methods for security at critical open spots to guarantee well being and security of the foundations and to anticipate loss of property and valuable human lives.

    Security and protection are very close concepts but not same. Security measures if adopted properly  increase the level of protection. Protection is something that security offers.

    Fireball Securitas has been providing security services to the highly regarded businesses and persons for almost 19 years.

    We provide services like Guarding Services , Background Screening, Investigation, Facility Services, Corporate Intelligence, Consultancy Services.

    Our selection procedures and tough mental and physical training prepare our security guards to perform their duties even in the worst conditions.

    Do not underestimate your security requirements. Get your property and loved ones secured with Fireball Securitas.
    Call Us Now:  +91 8586977224



  • How to travel with a large amount of cash or other monetary items

    If you are travelling with a large amount of cash, or other monetary instruments like traveler’s checks, money orders, and bearer bonds, you should take common sense steps to protect yourself from unwanted attention, but you should also be aware of what legal issues you may have to address. What you have to do will depend on what country you are in, or whether you are traveling internationally.

    Protecting your money from theft or other losses

    • When you carry cash with you on an airline trip, you should take some very basic steps to keep from becoming a victim of theft, or from losing your money by accident
    • If you have to take cash, keep it in a carryon bag.
    • Never put your cash, financial instruments, or precious metals in a checked bag.
    • Keep your cash and other valuables out of public view.
    • Keep your baggage and belongings in sight when passing through a security checkpoint.
    • Divide money in different places
    • Favor on-body storage
    • Keep small bills handy
    • Carry an anti-theft bag
    • Trim your wallet
    • Use a dummy wallet
    • Buy a travel wallet
    • Adapt to the local money culture
    • If your carryon baggage must be searched, insist on keeping your bag in sight.
    • If asked about the amount of money in your baggage by a TSA agent or other responsibleauthority, tell the truth.
    • If you suspect that you have been a victim of theft, contact an airport police officer or other law enforcement representative immediately (note that TSA agents are not law enforcement agents)
    • If you suspect that a TSA screener or other screening area employee has stolen your property, contact a supervisor.

    Fireball Securitas has been providing security services to the highly regarded businesses and persons for almost 19 years. We provide services like Consultancy Services, Guarding Services, Background Screening, Investigation, Facility Services, and Corporate Intelligence.

    Do not underestimate your security requirements.

    Consult us NOW!!

    Call Us:  +91 8586977224

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  • Take these Security Precautions before you enjoy your family Vacation

    This time of the year many families plan  for  vacation. Before you plan your vacation here are few tips to keep your home safe while you are away.

    ❑ Notify your RSO or PSO of your departure and return dates but don’t otherwise publicize your travel or vacation plans. Leave contact numbers with appropriate mission personnel.

    ❑ Arrange to have a friend or colleague pick up your newspapers, mail, or other deliveries daily.

    ❑ Secure your home. Close and lock all windows and doors. Don’t forget to lock garage or gate doors.

    ❑ Consider purchasing timers to turn on outside and inside lights automatically at various times throughout the night.

    ❑ Check outside lighting and replace older light bulbs. You don’t want a light burning out while you are away.

    ❑ Ask a friend or colleague to check your residence periodically, ensuring your furnace or air conditioning is functioning and that timers and lights are working.

    ❑ The decision to set the automated alarm system may vary from region to region. Power outages and brownouts may trip alarm systems. Check with your security officer for advice on setting alarm systems when you are away for long periods of time.

    ❑ Unplug all unnecessary appliances such as televisions, stereos, and personal computers.

    ❑ Mow your lawn just before leaving; make arrangements to have someone mow it again if you will be gone for an extended period of time. Also arrange for watering, if that is likely to be needed.

    ❑ In the winter, make arrangements to have someone shovel walkways if it snows.

    ❑ If possible, ask a neighbor to park a car in your driveway (if you are taking yours).

    ❑ If you use a telephone answering machine, turn off the ringer on the telephone. If you don’t have an answering machine, unplug or turn off ringers on all telephones.

    ❑ Lock all jewelry, important papers, currency, and other valuable portables in a safe place such as a safe deposit box or home safe.

    ❑ Ensure all personal and home insurance policies are up-to-date and that your coverage is adequate.

    Do not underestimate your security requirements. Get your home secured with Fireball Securitas.

    Call Us Now:  +91 8586977224

    Visit Us:

  • All in one Emergency contact number, now in India!

    Many of you may not be aware of this news and many might have forgotten. Just for your information, we bring you this news that now in the case of emergency you can get the emergency services like Police, Fire Fighters and ambulance just by dialing one number.

    On March 28, 2016, Telecom Commission accepted recommendation by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) for making 112 as single emergency number for all such services.

    It was suggested by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India to make 112 as the national emergency number in its recommendations submitted to the telecom department in 2015. It was also suggested that there should be free of cost SMS based access to the mobile phone users to contact the authorities, in case of any emergency.

    In emergency conditions such as burglary, theft, road rage, or a fire spreading, or a citizen struggling with a heart attack every passing second counts, It is likely that this crucial time may be lost in figuring out what number to dial,” .


    It is very important for us to understand the lurking dangers and act proactively. Here is a list of some other numbers you can use for emergency/rescue/management.

    100 Police
    101 Fire
    102 Ambulance
    108 Disaster management
    181 Women’s helpline
    1097 AIDS helpline
    1098 Child abuse hotline
    +91 9540161344 Air ambulance

     Being a Security Service provider company Fireball Securitas always suggest our clients to take preventive steps to stay secure. If you are carefull enough, you would never require to dial on these numbers. 

    Fireball Securitas has been providing security services to the highly regarded businesses and persons for almost 19 years.

    We provide services like Guarding Services , Background Screening, Investigation, Facility Services, Corporate Intelligence, Consultancy Services.

    Our selection procedures and tough mental and physical training prepare our security guards to perform their duties even in the worst conditions.

    Do not underestimate your security requirements. Get your property and loved ones secured with Fireball Securitas.

    Call Us Now:  +91 8586977224

    Visit Us:

  • Increasing Crime Rate and How to stay Secure?

    When the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) started collating crime data from states it was observed that in the year 2015 most number of crimes happened since 2005.

    Here are some important Crime Data taken from the report.

    A total of 73,26,099 cognizable crimes comprising 29,49,400 Indian Penal Code (IPC) crimes and 43,76,699 Special & Local Laws (SLL) crimes were reported, showing an increase of 1.3% over 2014 (72,29,193 cases).

    Maharashtra accounted for 9.3% of total IPC crime reported in the country followed by Madhya Pradesh (9.1%), Kerala (8,7%), Uttar Pradesh(8.2%),Rajasthan (6.7%), Tamil Nadu(6.4%), Delhi(6.5%) and West Bengal(6.1%).

    1. Delhi UT reported the highest crime rate (916.8) under IPC crimes followed by Kerala (723.2), Madhya Pradesh (348.3), Assam (321.8), Haryana (310.4),Telangana (290.7) and Rajasthan (273.9).
    2. Uttar Pradesh has reported highest number of cases of SLL crimes, accounting for 58.2% of total SLL crimes reported in the country during 2015.
    3. Uttar Pradesh reported highest SLL crime rate of 1,181.2 in the country during 2015 followed by Kerala (1,115.0),Chhattisgarh (955.6), Uttarakhand (840.5) and Gujarat (492.7).
    4. The cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Jaipur and Kolkata have accounted for 25.7%, 6.4%, 5.3%,3.9% and 3.5% of the total IPC crimes reported from 53 mega cities respectively.
    5. During 2015, total of 6,25,279 cases were reported under crime against property which was 21.2% of total IPC crimes. Out of 6,25,279 cases of properties crimes, theft (4,67,833 cases) accounted for 74.8% of total such cases.
    6.  During 2015, total of 1,50,170 cases were reported under economic crime (IPC),out of which maximum cases were reported under cheating (1,15,405 cases) which accounted for 76.8% of total such crimes.
    7. Uttar Pradesh reported the highest number of cases of murder accounting for 14.7% (4,732 out of 32,127 cases)of total murder cases and the highest cases of culpable homicide not amounting to murder accounting for 42.1% (1,338 out of 3,176) of total such cases during 2015.
    8.  Personal vendetta or enmity (4,758 cases) was the major motive of murder which accounted for 14.8% of total murder cases followed by property dispute with 11.0% (3,540 cases) and personal vendetta or enmity (372 cases) followed by class conflict (307 cases) were the major motives of culpable homicide not amounting to murder accounting for11.7% and 9.7% of total such cases respectively during 2015.

    Considering these trends one can easily understand that we are not safe even after all the law and enforcement we all need to be prepared for ourselves.

    Prevention should be our goal and for that we need to understand the possible threat and act to prevent it.

    Fireball Securitas has been providing security services to the highly regarded businesses and persons for almost 19 years.

    We provide services like Guarding Services , Background Screening, Investigation, Facility Services, Corporate Intelligence, Consultancy Services.

    Our selection procedures and tough mental and physical training prepare our security guards to perform their duties even in the worst conditions.

    Do not underestimate your security requirements. Get your property and loved ones secured with Fireball Securitas.

    Call Us Now:  +91 8586977224

    Visit Us:

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  • Tips for Security of your Business and Home.

    Starting a family or owning a business is not an easy task. One has to look after many tasks at the same time. While in a family our main concerns are children education, health, and security. In a business, it is important to maintain a sustainable profit while keeping it secure from any dangers.

    Security is a necessity because all your efforts can go in vain without it.

    Here are few tips to keep you family and business secure.


    One should follow the following steps to insure the security of their business.

    Step 1 – Spot hazards

    Understand your work activities properly and find the possible threats.

    Step 2 – Assess risks

    Once you Identify the possible threats then you need to assess the risk. In assessment, you need to find who will be affected and how? What are the conditions for it to happen? How severe can the harm be?

    Step 3 – Manage risks

    Once you identify the risk and the associated risks assessed, the next step is to find.

    • Is it possible to remove the chances of hazards altogether, and if not

    • How can we control it or minimize it? 

    • Take the necessary steps.

    Step 4 – Monitor and review

    Fix a time period for reevaluation of security and organizing training and awareness camps for your employees.


    Following are the tips to keep your family safe. 

    1. Know your neighbors.

    2. Keep a Dog at home.

    3. Fit security screens to external doors.

    4-Before you go to bed check that all doors and windows are locked.

    5. Keep emergency contact numbers listed on a wall or in the cell phone.

    6. You can make short codes for older children like “100” that they can text you in case they are in danger.

    7. Make a secret code word only for the family members. Only family members should know this code word. Any unknown person with wrong intentions will get caught.

    8. Tell your children to never tell an unknown person when they are alone at home or their traveling schedule.

    9.Install an alarm system.

    10. Teach your children not to open the front door for a stranger and keep it shut

    11.Teach your children their home address and telephone number and parents’ full names.

    12.Teach your children when and how they should take help from emergency contacts.

    13. Ensure that there is adequate lighting in the driveways, pathways, and entry points to you home.

    14. Even when you are at home, keep main doors locked.

    15. Install a motion-sensor video camera security system that sends email footage to you rather than just recording onto a hard drive.

    It is always better to keep your security worries in the hands of experts.

    Fireball Securitas has been providing security services to the highly regarded businesses and persons for almost 19 years.

    We provide services like Guarding Services , Background Screening, Investigation, Facility Services, Corporate Intelligence, Consultancy Services.

    Our selection procedures and tough mental and physical training prepare our security guards to perform their duties even in the worst conditions.

    Do not underestimate your security requirements. Get your property and loved ones secured with Fireball Securitas.

    Call Us Now:  +91 8586977224

     Read more on our Blog:
  • Security Guard for Bank & Office

    The bank office security guard is in charge of the security and insurance of the bank’s representatives and all benefits. Contingent upon the bank, the monitor may likewise be relied upon to authorize the organization’s general security prerequisites.

    Security Guard should remain alarm to look for potential dangers to the security of representatives and clients. Bank office security guards will likewise need to examine any suspicious conduct among the clients or representatives to shield the monetary resources of the branch.

    There are times when a disappointed client may turn into a danger, and the monitor should diffuse the circumstance.

    Watchmen may likewise be required to know and uphold bank and government well being controls.

    On account of a theft, the protect must know how to defend the clients and representatives, and goes about as a contact between the police and the branch.

    Being a bank office security guard can be a perilous occupation, as regularly banks, particularly those in expansive metropolitan territories, are focuses for burglaries. Security Guard are regularly the principal individual the burglars need to incapacitate and handicap. On the off chance that you are occupied with ensuring others and are not contradicted to the potential risks of the occupation, being a bank office security monitor might be the correct profession for you. Remember that a few banks procure security organizations to give equipped security guard at branches, instead of contracting their own particular gatekeepers.

    Read more on our blog:


    I was sweating  because of fear and the rush when I reached there.

    My security guard brought a glass of water for me.. Sahabji… Here Drink some water.

    When I heard  the news that the Ananda shopping complex caught fire last night. I called the security guard in the night duty. He didn’t pick the phone first but as I hurled my way to that place he picked the call.

    Bahadur!!  Where are you? Kya hua?  Is there anything left or all burned down?

    No No sahabji.. Nothing much… just a shop was under fire and I took care of it. The fire brigade is also here.

    As I reached the place, I saw that he was right, He acted proactively and prevented a great loss.  A Firefighter  told me that your guard immediately guided us to the place where the fire was and made it easy for us to control it in no time. You should thank him and his training that he handled this situation very well..

    Incidents like this are very common around the world, and not everyone dodges the danger, but only those who think proactively and take necessary steps to prevent the danger.

    Imagine yourself in this situation and decide how much importance you  give to security. Accidents can happen to anyone but how we are prepared for it makes the difference. It is very important that you take the steps to prevent dangers, but it is more important to take the right steps because that is where we are more careless.

    Fireball Securitas has been providing security services to the highly regarded companies and VIPs for almost 19 years. Our selection procedures and tough mental and physical training prepare our security guards to perform their duties even in the worst conditions.

    Do not underestimate your security requirements. Get your property and loved ones secured with Fireball Securitas.

    Call Us Now:  +91 8586977224

  • True Story of Valour : How our security guard saved a girl from being kidnapped?

    Fireball Securitas & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. does it again…

    He is the one who displayed immense courage and risked his life to protect the school child while rescuing her from a cab driver. Here is his astounding story…

    This is what Mr. Ramesh Kumar Rai – SSG has done by his alertness and proactive approach could save mishappening with a school going student in front of the bank branch in Ashok Vihar on 3rd Mar’16.

    A Private school van was passing by in front of his duty branch in the afternoon at around 1400 hrs which had only 1 girl student of class fourth of a School in Model Town. The student was crying and was asking the driver to stop the van as her house was not in the direction where he was taking the van. The driver was shouting and threatening the child to keep shut and not to raise her voice. To this our on duty guard immediately stopped the van and asked about the matter. The child was very much scared and immediately rushed out of the van and the cab driver ran away with the van without stopping and discussing the matter with him. SSG Ramesh called the student’s father from her ID CARD and simultaneously informed the bank staff. The student’s father reached the branch who was waiting for his child as she got late and took the child back home.
    On 4th Mar’16, the parents of the little child visited the branch with gratitude to thank the branch staff and the guard for his proactive approach that had prevented any mishappening with the child. They wanted to reward the guard, to which he refused.
    Such a brave act sets an example for other security personnel deployed at all branches/ offices to follow.
    Let his courage story should not remain unsung and should be shared with others so as to let others know about Mr. Ramesh’s bravery and to give inspiration to others to do the same…

    “BRAVO to this Dauntless Hero of Fireball…”

    Visit our blog for more such stories-