How Fireball presents a perfect example of “Unity in Diversity”?

If you look around carefully , you will find people with unfamiliar looks, language, behavior, dressing etc. That’s the  incredible India you live in. Our country is called incredible because of the diversity it cherishes.

Some came as refugees, some came as intruders, some came to find God, some came to serve poor. We Indians greeted them all with love and compassion. Whatever were the consequences, India never gave up it’s trust in diversity.

The reason we are never driven by the angst for those who inflicted pain to us is the deep rooted quality of  humility in our culture. Fireball Securitas presents a similar  example of harmony and compassion shown by the Fireball employees.

Fireball is spread across India with 12 branches and presence in 250 locations across India. These branches are governed and controlled by the head office based in New Delhi. Having branches in different parts of India and employees of different cultural orientation fireball ensures that it’s employees are bind with the core values of the organisation.

Around 6000 employees work together for the attainment common goals. They may belong to different ethnic orientation, speak different languages but they all are bound by the core values of the organisation.

As far as our country is concerned it is very important that we maintain the sanctity of our cultural heritage. Diversity is our strength and it is achieved when we all are joined by our core values. Fireball would like to spread this message of harmony and peace to all the Indians. Let’s forget the differences and join hands in building a better India.

Our country has often stood like a solid rock in the face of common danger, and there is a deep underlying unity which runs like a golden thread through all our seeming diversity. :- Lal Bahadur Shastri




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